All lyrics are stored as html files, with romaji in black and translated text in green.
If alternate translations exist, they are linked to text files. If you have an alternate version that's not up here, please drop it by my way via e-mail
(the GrandLine list counts!), or post it up on the fanfic board.
As for the strange coding on the Music/Song Collection songs, they indicate which collection you can find them in.
MSC is "Music & Song Collection" followeed by collection CD number and track number.
SC is "Song Collection" followed by track number.
MBSC is "Music & Best Song Collection" followed by track number.
BSC is "Best Song Collection" 2-cd set, followed by disc (A/B) and track number.
GB2 is "GrandBattle!2 Music and Song Collection" followed by track number.
CSA is "Character Song Album" followed by track number.
CKO is "Chopper Kingdom on Strange Animal Island: Music Collection" followed by track number.