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ONE PIECE has an ever-growing cast of characters to love, hate, hate to love, and love to hate. I'll start off with descriptions; I'll see what I can do... remember that I have to draw each one myself....
Aside from Luffy's current entourage, I've grouped them by storyarc of first appearance, and in order of appearance...

The character profiles herein can and will contain spoilers up to the latest installment in Weekly Jump at the time of the last update (especially the main protagonist entourage). All "spoiler" information will be preceded by a "spoiler up to vol.x" header and be written in a smaller, darker-colored font -- so don't read past that header if you don't want to be spoiled.

Also, I'm still in the process of adding information everywhere (especially the main entourage dossier) -- so bear with me if you see blank spaces and xxx (i.e. "to be filled in later" spots) in the profiles ^^;;;

  current main protagonist entourage  

Monkey D. Luffy / Roronoa Zoro / Nami / Usopp / Sanji / Tonitony Chopper(Tyopper) / Nefertari Vivi / Karuh


Gold Roger / Shanks / Ben Beckman / Higuma / Lucky Roux / Makino / Yasopp / Alvida / Coby / Helmeppo / Morgan / Rika / Kuina

  buggy arc  

Buggy / Mohji / Kabaji / Richie / Shushu / Boodle

  captain kuro arc  

Gaimon / Captain Kuro / Clahador / Kaya / Nyaban Brothers / Buchi / Siam / Jango / Ninjin / Tamanegi / Peaman / Mary

  buggy fleet's adventure (splash page series 1)  

Mystery Woman / Kumate Clan

  baratie arc  

Krieg / Juraquille Mihawk / Yosaku / Johnny / Zeff / Pati / Carne / Gin / Pearl / Roxanne / Fullbody

  arlong arc  

Arlong / Bellemare / Chabo / Nojiko / Genzo / Nezumi / Mohmoo / Kuroobi / Hachi / Chuu / Jinbei

  cobymeppo's battle diary (splash page series 2)  


  logue town mini-arc  

Brandnew / Dragon / Smoker / Tashigi / Arvida (ver2)

  whiskey peak arc  

Laboon / Crockus / Mr. 9 / Miss Wednesday / Igarappoi / Mr. 8 / Miss Monday / Mr. 5 / Miss Valentine / Igaram

  little garden arc  

Brogy / Dorry / Mr. 3 / Miss Goldenweek / Mr. 13 / Miss Friday / Mr. 0 / Miss All-Sunday

  jango's dance heaven (splash page series 3)  

Yurikah / female officer

  drum arc  

Dolton / Wapol / Lapahn / Dr. Kreha / Hiruluk / Hiking Bear / Isshies 20

  Alabasta arc  

Mr. 2 - Bon Clay / Portugues D. Ace / Nefertari Cobra / Toto / Kohza / Crocodile / Chaka / Pell / Mr. 4 / Miss Merry-Christmas / Paula / Mr.1 / Miss Doublefinger / Cowboy / Bourbon Jr. / Kentauros / Hikoichi / Stomp / Iwan X / Nico Robin / Mr. 7 / Miss Fathers-Day

  hatchan's ocean-floor walk [splash page series 4]  

Pansame / mermaid

  anime-only characters  

Ganzack / Herring / Medaka / Skid / Woonan / Tobio / El Drago / Hyena Trio / Danny / Donny / Denny / Ganzou / Akieth / Bolord / Trump Brothers / Honey Queen / Skunk One / Bear King / Boo Jack / Pin Joker / Apis / Eric / Nelson

  romance dawn (version 2, as seen in wanted!)  

Anne / Balloon / Schpeal / grandpa

  random guys featured on SBS, etc.  

Mikio Itoo / Minatomo / Motzel / Pandaman

  i forgot where in the series he was...  


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