b u g g y
"buggy the clown" / captain, buggy pirate fleet
Originally From: ??
Devil Fruit: BitsBits Fruit
Intelligence: low
Personality: gaudy
Holds Dear: gold, silver, treasure, gaudy things
Dream: conquor the Grand Line and hoard every treasure in the world
First Appearance: buggy arc

The captain of his own pirate fleet. He used to be shipmates with Shanks back when they were both fledgling pirates. He blames
the redhead for his accidental injestion of the BitsBits Fruit. Now, he can remote-control his limbs to attack from far away.
Loves the word "hade" (meaning "gaudy") and his cannonballs (Buggy Balls), and thinks money is everything in this world. Has a
very characteristic red clown-nose, and is overly sensitive about it.
