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When you get a TV series, what undoubtedly results is a stream of audio CDs for your listening enjoyment. Sit back, crank up the volume, and enter their world!

Since there are quite a few CD's out there now, I've made separate pages for the singles and the albums....

* CD singles

* Albums

Other CDs of Potential Interest:

 Rock'n Roll Love Letter 

Ordering Information:
Artist: Maki Otsuki
Epic/Sony Records
Album / 11 tracks (including both endings -- with memories being a remix)
¥ 2913 plus tax
First press: December 6, 2000


Ordering Information:
Artist: Folder5
avex tune
MaxiSingle / 5 tracks (track 2 -- "Ready!" -- is the song used in the short anime accompaniment to the second movie, Jango's Dance Carnival)
¥ 1000 plus tax
First press: March 14, 2001

Lyrics that have been translated are available in the Fan section.

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