s h a n k s
"shanks the redhead" / head captain, redhead pirate fleet
Age: 37 Birthday: ?? Originally From: ?? Devil Fruit: none? Intelligence: seemingly high Personality: sanguine, easygoing, friendly Holds Dear: friends Dream: find One Piece and become the Pirate King
First Appearance: first episode
The leader of his own pirate fleet that made Luffy want to become a pirate. He sacrificed his left arm to the
Master of the Near Seas to save the 7-year-old Luffy, and before leaving, also entrusted the boy with his
straw hat which later becomes Luffy's trademark. -- spoiler from vol.11 --
He is still alive and well; and from the looks of things (by the way how he talks on par
with Mihawk) we can assume that he is a pirate of a very high caliber; perhaps he is actually one of the
Seven Armed Seas...?