The second person that Luffy decides to invite into his fleet is a curvaceous (34-23-34 according to Sanji... that boy is too
desperate if he can tell just by looking...) 18-yr-old girl who claims to be a thief who steals only from pirates. She is a
master of navigation, and the maps she draws of the seas are perfect, and is deadly with her wand (that she usually hides in
3 pieces up her skirt). She justifies her stealing by saying that she needs to collect 100 million bellies and buy a certain
town. She hates pirates and loves money (and tangerines)because pirates took someone dear away from her, and tangerines
remind her of that someone dear.

The 100 million bellies originally was to pay Arlong to buy the safety of her own hometown of Cocoyashi.
Tangerines remind her of Bellmare, her foster-mother who was killed by Arlong. She withstood years of drawing maps for Arlong
in hopes that she was the only sacrifice from the village...