r o r o n o a z o r o
"zoro the pirate hunter" / swordsman, straw pirate fleet
Age: 19
Birthday: November 11
Originally From: ??
Devil Fruit: none
Intelligence: higher end of fleet, but very low on sense of direction
Personality: short-tempered but kind
Holds Dear: pride as a swordsman, his three swords
Dream: become the strongest swordmaster in the world
First Appearance: first arc

Zoro started out as a bounty hunter that had been captured by Morgan, and was being held captive in the Marine port town
that Luffy and Coby first landed for food. He ultimately serves Luffy in the boy's fleet as his right-hand man and a
3-sword swordsman. His goal in life, which he swore to the grave of Kuina, is to become the strongest swordsman in the
world. His last name comes from an real-life pirate, Francois L'ollonois; but the folks who romanized the names decided
that it was too hard to spell or something.... grr.
