
Episode 54 (WJ #40, 1998)
Mister Pearl
Pati and Carne are furious at Sanji for kicking their ship in. Meanwhile,
Krieg's guys have defeated all the other cooks. Pati and Carne refuse to
hand the ship over, saying that Baratie was the only place that would hire
such brutes like them, and manages to keep Krieg's guys from taking over
the restaurant. Then, some weird guy swims over, and knocks both Pati and
Carne out in one shot. This weirdo clad in multiple metallic targets is
Iron-Wall Pearl, leader of Krieg's secondary fleet, and laughs that Pati and
Carne probably aren't okay after accepting his "gift" of a punch. One of
the pirates tries to take Pati's knife from him: to this Sanji replies with
a swift kick. "A knife is a cook's soul. Shitty civilians have no right to
put their grubby hands on a cook's knife." Sanji gives the knife back to
Pati, and continues to literally kick the asses of Krieg's fleet, angered
that the pirates said they aren't gonna lose to "just a bunch of cooks".
Pearl asks Sanji if the all-kick policy was out of laziness; Sanji replies
that he can't afford to hurt his cooking arms with a fight. Sanji claims
that he will defeat Pearl with just his legs, too. Pearl replies to Sanji's
claim that he has never been hurt in his 61 deathmatches, that he has never
shed one drop of blood. Luffy watches the conversation.... Krieg takes
that opportunity to crack the mast that Luffy was holding onto, and then
sending Luffy flying out with his gigantic morning-star type weapon. Just
as Sanji throws a kick in and Pearl deflects with his arm shield, Luffy flies
in and hits the back of Pearl's head. Luffy sighs in relief that he didn't
fall into the ocean, but Pearl gets a nosebleed (much to the horror of Krieg's
Episode 55 (WJ #41, 1998)
Jungle Blood
Krieg's guys try to calm Pearl down, but Pearl keeps saying he senses danger.
Krieg yells at Pearl to quit getting worried over a simple nosebleed. Pearl
keeps insisting he feels danger, and bursts into flames. Krieg's guys explain
to the readers that when Pearl feels he is in danger, he lights a fire - and
this is a remnant of Pearl's life in the jungle where wild beasts are aplenty.
He starts lighting everything he sees on fire. The cooks are worried that the
restaurant will catch on fire now, while Krieg's guys start jumping into the
water from the sheer heat. Sanji jumps inside Pearl's protective firewall, and
lands a kick onto one of Pearl's burning shields - "How can I be a cook if
I'm scared of fire?". Pearl attacks again; he misses, and Sanji lands another
kick in Pearl's face. Pearl shoots a few more fireballs towards the actual
restaurant part of the ship, and Zeff extinguishes all the fireballs with his
stilted foot. Krieg decides to sink the Fin with his morning star before the
restaurant goes on fire. Luffy jumps through the firewall, and uses both arms
in a GumGum Bazooka to shoot the morning star way into the sky. The morning
star lands on a pillar next to Krieg; the pillar falls right on top of Pearl's
head. Just when Krieg thought that he had to move, Gin calls out to Sanji
to stop - or he will shoot Zeff.
Episode 56 (WJ #42, 1998)
No Way
Gin stands over Zeff, gun aimed at the chef's head with one hand, and a
splinter broken off from the stilt in the other. Luffy poises to attack, but
Sanji asks for the reason for Gin's action. Gin asks the restaurant crew to
get off the boat. Sanji's reply? "NO WAY." He then taunts Zeff, saying that
he isn't showing a good example of a fighting cook. Zeff counters that he
doesn't want to hear as such from a little eggplant. Sanji tells Zeff to not
treat him like a kid anymore, and tells Gin to point the gun at him and not
Zeff. Pearl, hearing this, offers to kill Sanji instead. Sanji flies into
the dining hall with another "present" from Pearl. Luffy swings back for a
counterattack, but Sanji tells him not to. Luffy asks why he didn't dodge
the blow, and Sanji replies that if he had, Gin would have shot Zeff. Gin
wonders why Sanji is putting so much into saving the restaurant, and Sanji
replies that Zeff treasures the restaurant. "I took everything away from that
old geizer. His power! His dream! So I don't want the old tard to lose
anything else!!" Pearl sneaks up from behind, and delivers a double-shield
blow onto Sanji's head, and follows with a body slam. The cooks wonder what
happened between Zeff and Sanji, and the readers go into Sanji's flashbck...
9 years ago, on the cruise ship Orbit. We see a young Sanji excited about
finding the All Blue (a place where fish from East Blue, West Blue, North Blue,
and South Blue can coexist) someday. The chefs of the Orbit laugh at little
Sanji. When the crew is cleaning up after a few guests, a few pirates are
approaching the ship... led by the captain of the Cook Pirate Fleet,
Red-Footed Zeff.
Episode 57 (WJ #43, 1998)
Because There Is a Dream
The restaurant notes that the approaching ship is that of the Cook Fleet, led
by Red-Footed Zeff. The fleet lands and loots the restaurant, but Zeff kicks
one of the returning members of his fleet when he comes back with some of the
restaurant's food - "I always say 'Don't steal other people's food.'" The
young Sanji stands against the fleet all by himself. But he is no match; he
gets kicked around. Sanji says that he can't be killed there because he will
someday find All Blue. Suddenly, a wave splashes over the side and sends the
little Sanji overboard. Zeff breaks the restaurant's mast with a kick to save
Sanji, but at that moment both ships get swallowed up in another wave. Two
days later, Sanji wakes up on a lone island - with Zeff and two bags. Zeff
drops the smaller of the two bags that washed ashore witht hem, telling Sanji
that it was enough food for 5 days... and that he should think before he eats
it all. Zeff walks off to the other end of the island, saying that they
shouldn't approach one another until they see a ship that could rescue them.
Sanji looks at his food... while Zeff grits his teeth. "I guess this is it for
my Red Foot." Zeff lifts a large rock - and brings it down on his knee.
Episode 58 (WJ #44, 1998)
Shit-Headed Old Geizer
Episode 59 (WJ #45, 1998)
Episode 60 (WJ #46, 1998)
Drawing the Line
Episode 61 (WJ #47, 1998)
Episode 62 (WJ #48, 1998)
