
Episode 45 (WJ #30, 1998)
Before the Storm
Episode 46 (WJ #31, 1998)
Uninvited Guest
Episode 47 (WJ #32, 1998)
Pirate Armada Admiral "Don Krieg"
Episode 48 (WJ #33, 1998)
Don't Go Along That Course
Episode 49 (WJ #34, 1998)
Episode 50 (WJ #35, 1998)
One's Own Ways
Luffy tells his crew to go after Nami who took off with their ship.
Hawk-Eyed Mihawk tells the pirates of Krieg's fleet that he destroyed their
ships because he was bored. Zoro challenges Mihawk to a duel. Meanwhile,
Nami cries, saying she wants to be free.
Episode 51 (WJ #36, 1998)
Zoro Roronoa Falls on the Seas
Mihawk accepts Zoro's challenge with what seems like a fruit knife. None of
Zoro's attacks even reach Mihawk. Luffy holds Yosaku and Johnny from helping
Zoro. Mihawk calls checkmate by stabbing his knife into Zoro, but Zoro refuses
to admit defeat - "I would rather die." Mihawk takes his large sword and
defeats Zoro's strongest attack. Zoro faces Mihawk ("To have a wound on the
back an embarrassing thing for a swordsman") and Mihawk delivers the last blow.
Episode 52 (WJ #37-38, 1998)
Yosaku and Johnny dive into the waters to save Zoro. Luffy springs over to the
broken ship to attack Mihawk, but the grand swordsman tells the rubber boy that
Zoro is still alive. Mihawk tells Zoro to become stronger and he will wait
until then. Zoro swears to Luffy that he will never be defeated again until he
defeats Mihawk. Luffy sends his four crew after Nami, and gets ready to fight
the pirates of Krieg's fleet.
Episode 53 (WJ #39, 1998)
Sabagashira Number One
Krieg smiles that if he can get the restaurant-ship Baratie, he will be able
to surprise-attack enemies. He also claims that Mihawk, like Luffy, is a
possessor of the powers of the devil fruit. He then points to the restaurant,
saying that Red-Footed Zeff was able to sail on the Grand Line for a year,
and therefore his log must have some useful information. Luffy makes sure
with Zeff that he can go if he gets rid of Krieg's fleet. Zeff says all
right, because he doesn't want Luffy making a mess of his restaurant for a
whole year. Sanji tells one of the workers to "open the fins", saying
that Zeff would get more pissed off if the fight goes on in the restaurant
than if the enemy had more foothold. Luffy launches himself towards the
enemies, and takes quite a few into the ocean with his arms ("GumGum Scythe").
Krieg laughs that he knows Luffy can't fight in water, but Luffy counters
that he can stretch. Pati and Carne start up Sabagashira (literally, "mackerel
head") #1 - the little rowboat + cannon that dislodges from the restaurant's
nose. Sabagashira #1 shoots cannons into the enemy ship remains, to the
delight of the remaining restaurant crew. The "fins" open to reveal a
fighting surface. Luffy thinks it's really cool, and Krieg notes that the
he wants the ship more than ever before. Krieg catches and throws
Sabagashira #1 towards Baratie, whee Sanji kicks it back into the ocean.
