
Episode 127 (WJ #15, 2000)
Episode 128 (WJ #16, 2000)
Episode 129 (WJ #17, 2000)
Episode 130 (WJ #18, 2000)
The Fastest Speed
Nami's fever reaches 40 degrees (104 degrees farenheit). Luffy, asked by
Vivi, suggests finding a doctor, but Nami says that they must head straight to
Alabasta because the riots are getting only worse. However, watching the crew,
Vivi realizes that the fastest way for them to go back was for Nami to get
better, then head to Alabasta - especially because Nami had an exremely good
sense of weather, even in the Grand Line. A day after they go off the route to
Alabasta, Zoro spots a man standing on water...
Episode 131 (WJ #19, 2000)
Episode 132 (WJ #20, 2000)
Episode 133 (WJ #21-2, 2000)
Adventure in the Nameless country
Episode 134 (WJ #23, 2000)
Episode 135 (WJ #24, 2000)
Episode 136 (WJ #25, 2000)
The Man Named Dolton
The group of Lapahn bounce up and down on top of the mountain, and gives Sanji a
bad feeling. Meanwhile, the village men pick up their weapons to head to Big Horn
to fight Wapol. Usopp and Vivi speed their sleigh towards Gyasta in hopes of
finding Kureha, but they miss the sign to turn. At Big Horn, Dolton stands up
against Wapol, saying that banning all doctors but the 20 lab doctors working for
the king is no way to run a country. Dolton, who had eaten the Ushi-Ushi (CowCow)
nut, turns into a bull to attack - but when the king's men shoot arrows at the
villagers, Dolton acts as their shield and gets hit. Meanwhile, Sanji tells Luffy
to run as far and as high a ground as he can - because the Lapahn with all their
jumping started an avalanche.
