
Episode 177 (WJ #18, 2001)
30 Million VS 81 Million
Luffy asks his crew to deliver Vivi safely back to the palace. Zoro agrees and tells Chopper to keep course to Arubarna. Vivi tries to stop Luffy, but Zoro tells Vivi that Luffy will hold Crocodile back -- that the time limit for the ruin of the kingdom was set when the rebellion army headed towards Arubarna. He commands her to stay alive at any cost, no matter what happens to any of Luffy's crew, if she is the only hope for keeping the kingdom alive. Sanji chimes in, saying that this war was started by her bolting out of her homeland to go undercover into the syndicate that she knew nothing about... but that she shouldn't think she is still fighting alone. As Usopp unreliably assures her, Vivi yells at Luffy that she will wait for him in Arubarna. Back in the desert, Crocodile says that Luffy has fooled around too much. Luffy notes that Vivi can't look away from people in need, and still wishes that nobody would die in this revolution. Luffy knows that such a thing can't happen, but because she will keep fighting against Crocodile, he will fight the boss here. Crocodile laughs that off, saying he has abandoned many a person who died because they got involved into other people's business. Miss All-Sunday laughs and walks off to Alabasta (after we find out that her real name is Nico Robin, and she doesn't like to be called that). Crocodile throws down an egg timer, and says he will give Luffy 3 minutes. Luffy attacks with his Pistol, Stamp, Gatling, Bazooka, Hammer.... but Crocodile seems to disperse and no damage can be seen. Crocodile announces that what Luffy is doing is useless, but Luffy is refusing to listen...
Episode 178 (WJ #19, 2001)
Level G.L (GrandLine)
Luffy vs Crododile ticks on, but Luffy can't find a way to deliver a blow to Crocodile.
Meanwhile, Crocodile's attacks can slice through the desert to create a small valley, and even
create a giant "puddle" of quicksand. Luffy is able to escape from the quicksand, but none of his
attacks do any good against Crocodile. Crocodile then sucks Luffy's right arm dry (hey, sand absorbs
water, right?) -- but Luffy "grows" his arm back by drinking the water Toto gave him at Yuba.
Crocodile decides to end it all by creating a sandstorm (yes, the man can make his own tornado),
saying that the winds going south will carry the storm down to (and destroy) Yuba. Luffy screams at
Crocodile to stop the storm, but instead falls prey to Crocodile's hooked blade......
Episode 179 (WJ #20, 2001)
The Final Showdown will be in Alubarna
The mover crab heads to Alubarna... and the people on it? Zoro is doing bicep curls
with the camel as his dumbbell, Usopp is telling lies to Chopper (who believes Usopp),
and Vivi tries to cheer everyone up when she's the most nervous one. In Yuba, Toto
manages to dig up a well... but that sandstorm is approaching (though he doesn't know it).
Crocodile tosses Luffy into the quicksand, saying he will soon die as he heads to Alubarna
himself. Smoker leaves Tashigi in charge as he heads to the seas on a certain errand
(yet to be determined) -- and tells her to decide whether or not to go after Luffy, or to
help the royal army, or do something else... and to keep watch on what path Alabasta takes.
Kohza's rebel army is heading towards Alubarna to crush the king who "betrayed" them, while
the royal army stands up to defend the capital. The officer agents of the Baroque Works
looks on, while Cobra (taken hostage) prays that his countrymen won't fight each other.
As everyone heads for Alubarna, the immobile and injured Luffy screams for meat on the outskirts
of Rainbase...
Episode 180 (WJ #21/22, 2001)
Alabasta Animal Land
The struggling dehydrated Luffy is saved from the whirls of quicksand by.... Miss All-Sunday. She asks
why people like Luffy, "those carrying the name of D", fight -- but Luffy can't give an answer ("....D?")
Meanwhile, Pell (who fought her a few weeks ago) appears, and Miss All-Sunday entrusts him with
Luffy and takes off on a "F-wani(crocodile)", the second fastest animal in Alabasta. Igaram arrives at
Nanohana to see it in ruins -- and realizes he must hurry to make it within the time limit (5 hours
before the two armies start battle). Crocodile's sandstorm has reached Yuba, and Toto braces for its
impact. 4 hrs left: the crab that Vivi's group is on can't cross the Sandora River. What to do? Chopper
remembers that the crab likes dancers: upon oggling at Nami's outfit, the crab takes off at amazing speed
and walks on water for a while... before it sinks. The group, now swimming, encounter a Sandora Rare
Catfish, a man-eating catfish... but are saved by the fleet of Kung Fu Jugon (remember those otter-like
things that Luffy became friends with when they first reached Alabasta?) who carry them across the river.
3 hrs left: the group makes it to the other side... where they are greeted by Karuh and his Super Spotbill
Duck Fleet (the fastest group of animals known in Alabasta). 1 hr left: Cobra is still tied up at the east
gate... while at the west gate, the officer agents prepare for battle against our protagonists, with
Miss Christmas (& Mr.4) stepping up first... saying that they just had to "get rid" of Vivi...
Episode 181 (WJ #23, 2001)
Super Spotbill Duck Quiz
The rebels, led by Kohza, are now a 30 minutes' gallop away from Alubarna's main gate (south gate). The
king's army, led by Chaka, sees Kohza's rebels at 15km away from the capital, and guards all five gates
(east, west, south, southwest, southeast) with their lives. At the west gate, the officers of the Baroque
Works stand ready to fight our protagonist entourage (and they hope to kill Vivi in the process)... and
they conclude that all they really need to do is to make sure Vivi is dead. Just then, Miss Christmas spots
a flock of spotbill ducks -- six of them, as a matter of fact -- on the horizon. Miss Christmas
claims there were only four in the entourage (remember, Sanji and Chopper weren't in the cage, so they only
know about five of the seven currently aboard the Going-Merry)... to which Miss Doublefinger replies that
"Mr.Prince" was more than one person so six is the right number (i.e. entourage minus Luffy). Mr. 2/Bon Clay
spots the rebels on the horizon, and all of the officer agents see that the six ducks are the Super Spotbill
Ducks and everyone is wearing the same cape! (It's time for them to guess which one is Vivi...) Mr. 4
attacks with a baseball bomb, but Vivi's entourage splits up cleanly. Two figures split off to the south
towards the South Gate; Miss Christmas and Mr. 4 chase after them. Usopp (one of the other four) shoots a
Kaenboshi at Mr.1; in the smoke, two more split up towards the West Gate. Mr. 1 decides to follow those two.
The remaining two bump Mr.2/Bon Clay aside as they rush to the Southwest Gate, and Mr.2/Bon Clay follows.
Once each set of prey and hunter are inside Alubarna, the masked protagonists reveal themselves.... while Vivi
(riding on Karuh) thanks eveyone for being the dummies, and hurries off towards the rebel army. As Karuh
speeds off to the rebel pack, the matchups are revealed -- Usopp and the camel(!) against Mr.2/Bon Clay...
Zoro & Nami against Miss Doublefinger and Mr.1... and Sanji & Chopper against Miss Christmas and Mr.4.
Episode 182 (WJ #24, 2001)
Scream of Anger
The rebels are on the run towards the gates. Vivi stands alone with Karuh, in hopes of getting to talk to the
rebel leader Kohza. Kohza commands everyone to bumrush the south gate, then split up and attack the other four
gates from within Alubarna. Vivi yells at them, saying that the battle was a setup, but a cannonball explodes
near Vivi, blinding her line of sight towards the rebels. Chaka yells at the royal guard that shot the cannonball;
although the guard is apologizing, the Baroque Works tattoo is clearly seen on his arm. Though blinded by the
dustcloud, Vivi despearately cries for the rebels to stop -- but much to her dismay, Kohza passes right beside her
and doesn't hear a word in the ruckus. Vivi realizes that Kohza passed by and looks back, but gets knocked down
by another of the rebel horses. The rebels are nearing the gate; Chaka orders the cannons to fire at will. The
battle has begun, and the princess (and the duck) looks on. Karuh has been heavily wounded (= trampled) by the
rebel army as they passed by -- he got injured covering for Vivi. Vivi vows to stop the revolution, because she
learned aboard Luffy's ship to never give up. Just then, Usopp appears on camelback. Inside the city, Sanji is
waking up the real Usopp and the camel -- Usopp tells Sanji that although they were able to lead Mr.2/Bon
Kurei into the city, they lasted only two seconds in battle. As they wonder what the curly-eyebrow cook is doing
there, Sanji replies that the ducks that ran the two came to their gate for help. Sanji, realizing that Usopp
couldn't hold Mr.2/Bon Clay back, tells them that Vivi is in trouble. Back to Vivi -- the fake Usopp says, "That
bird isn't going to make it!" Vivi remembers that Usopp knows Karuh's name, and asks him to prove himself. The
fake Usopp shows the bandage on the left arm -- telling Vivi that he is, indeed, an imposter. Karuh grabs Vivi
onto his back and runs off, but Mr.2/Bon Clay quickly follows, saying he won't let them escape.
Episode 183 (WJ #25, 2001)
Captain Karuh
Flashback to the ship -- Zoro suggests that they have an extra level of protection in identification: if they
can't remove the bandage to show the X on their arm, the guy is Mr.2/Bon Clay in disguise. (That was why Vivi
knew the Usopp in front of her was a fake.) Karuh, as he runs, is losing foothold. The gay agent is catching
up. Vivi sees the gate fast approaching -- because they would be cornered at the stairs, she tells Karuh that she
will get off and fight. Karuh turns towards the cliff -- and scales up!! Because it ran up completely straight,
Karuh starts to kick at the sky (a la wile e. coyote [looney tones])... As Mr.2/Bon Clay laughs, thinking Karuh
was going to crash, Karuh furiously flaps its wings and manages to fly safely to grab the top of the cliff
with its beak. Vivi looks down, somewhat relieved -- but sees Mr.2/Bon Clay running up the cliff. In front
of her is a battle between the royal army and the rebels. Vivi, realizing that she can't find Kohza in the battlefield,
asks Karuh to take her to the palace to find Chaka. Just then, a stray bullet hits Karuh. Grinding his teeth
and holding back blood seeping up his throat, Karuh dashes through the battlefield, with Mr.2/Bon Clay close on
his heels. Karuh collapses a while later in an empty street. As Mr.2/Bon Clay approaches, Karuh flaps at Vivi
to be on her way. Mr.2/Bon Clay poises to deliver the final blow to Karuh, when he is kicked from behind
by... two spotbill ducks!? Behind the surprised Vivi stands... Sanji. "The revolution can still be stopped, right
Vivi-chan?" The cook tightens his necktie and says he will take care of the queer guy. Vivi entrusts Karuh to
the other two ducks, and dahses off to the palace. As Mr.2/Bon Clay attacks in hopes of not letting Vivi
escape, Sanji counters with a kick in hopes of getting Usopp's goggles back. Sanji and Mr.2/Bon Clay prepare for
round 1... while at the southwest gate, Usopp finds a slightly smoky Chopper. Chopper tells Usopp to be careful
because Mr. 4 and Miss Nerry-Christmas are still around: he explains that Miss Merry-Christmas ate the Mog-Mog Fruit
and is now a mole-hwoman, and that Mr. 4 "bats fourth, and he's with a dog". Usopp yells that he doesn't
understand what Chopper is saying, but Chopper tells him to duck. Just then, a baseball hit by Mr. 4 ticks away
as it flies towards them, and as it passes right in front of Usopp's face, a huge explosion ensues....
Episode 184 (WJ #26, 2001)
4th Street at Mole Mound
The battle continues at the southeast gate of Alubarna. As Chopper confirms Usopp's safety, Usopp asks once
again what's going on. Chopper repeats, "Mr.4... bats fourth, and he's with a dog!!" Usopp doesn't understand
what Chopper means by this, but Chopper points to.... a dog!? The dog is Mr.4's favorite gun, Kanine Gun
Lassoo (struck with a cold). Lassoo sneezes, and out comes a baseball! As Usopp widens his eyes in surprise,
Mr.4 comes out of a mole-hole and hits the ball. Chopper tells Usopp to run; Usopp ducks. The ball explodes
right above Usopp. Chopper explains that the balls are time-bombs, and that they are heavy like iron balls --
so heavy that Mr.4 has mazing power to be able to hit it. As proof, when Mr.4 sets his bat against a brick
wall, the wall crumbles from the bat's weight! Just then, Miss Merry-Christmas comes in and yells at Mr.4 for
"taking a break". Usopp faints and "entrusts" Chopper with the rest upon her arrival, which sends the two into
a prompt argument on whether or not either of them are really human. (^^;) Miss Merry-Christmas explains that
Lassoo is a gun that has eaten the Dog-Dog Fruit (model: dachshund) -- with the state-of-the-art technology on
the Grand Line, inanimate objects can actually eat devil fruits! Done with the explanation,
Miss Merry-Christmas turns back into a mole (which Usopp asks, "A penguin?") and dives into a hole. Usopp takes
this as an opportunity to make a run for it -- but Lassoo barks a ball-bomb at him. The ball misses Usopp
(a curve ball!) which Mr.4 hits up for a fly ball. The ball, landing behind Usopp, shows tremendous backspin
(if you can call it that) and explodes right near Usopp (but Chopper saves our liar just in time). Chopper,
realizing that everything will be all right if he can knock out Mr.4, runs through the storm of ball-bombs
towards the batter. Miss Merry-Christmas emergest to grab Chopper's leg; but he misses the bomb by turning
back to his cute self. Chopper's next two swings at the two Baroque Works officers misses -- but in that time,
Usopp hides out of sight. He reappears with another set of goggles (most likely hidden in his bag) and a
5-ton hammer (which he pulled outta his back a la Hareluya II: B0Y), and he manages to pound (or rather,
whack-a-mole) Mr.4 down.
Episode 185 (WJ #27, 2001)
Oh, I see
As Chopper stands in amazement and Usopp smiles -- to continue the whack-a-maole... but Usopp can't
score against Miss Merry-Christmas. He tries to scare her by saying he has 8000 men under him (but only
succeeds in surprising Chopper). Just then, Mr.4 wakes up, and suspicion arises concerning the 5-ton hammer.
Just then, Lassoo sneezes -- and the hammer burns down. (yes, the hammer's actual weight was 2kg - slightly
less than 5 pounds) Miss Merry-Christmas dives down and digs up a new hole behind Usopp to attack with a
punch; while Lassoo and Mr.4 start cranking out bomb-balls around Chopper. Chopper strengthens his "Brain
Point" to find a weak spot in the dog-and-batter attack while Usopp runs Miss Merry-Christmas right into a
building (but she breaks the building down AND is unhurt! She then grabs Usopp's legs and runs him through
a brick wall. Meanwhile, Chopper grabs Lassoo and dunks his head into one of the holes, and Lassoo
promptly begins to sneeze. Usopp runs away from all the holes, as the entire underground network goes up
in flames with a huge explosion (but Usopp gets a whiff of the blast).
Episode 186 (WJ #28, 2001)
The Baroque Works duo was still alive after all of it. Usopp tries to run away, but Miss Merry-Christmas
grabs his leg, and tells our liar that Luffy has been "long since killed by Mr.0 (the Boss)"... Usopp
refuses to accept that fact, saying that Luffy will someday become the king of pirates. Miss Merry-Christmas
laughs that notion off, and proceeds to drag Usopp towards another wall, then against Mr.4's iron bat. All
the while, Usopp lectures to Chopper about when a man cannot run from battle, getting up even from Mr.4's
full swing. You can't run from a battle "when someone scoffs your comrades' dreams"... The mole gets ready
for another round, but Chopper is now ready with "Horn Point" (i.e. strengthened antlers). Usopp tells Chopper
to stand beside him, and the reindeer obliges. Right before Usopp hits the bat, he throws a smokescreen
pellet, and jumps up (taking his shoes off). By the time Miss Merry-Christmas realized this, she was
picked up by Chopper's antlers -- and when Usopp called out the attack pretending to be her, Mr.4 hits
Miss Merry-Christmas right outta the ballpark. Usopp then uses Chopper's antlers as a huge slingshot to
slam his hammer into Mr.4's gut, therefore effectively knocking him out as well. To top it off, Lassoo
sneezes out a bomb-ball, and kaboom all of them go. Meanwhile, Chopper (now back in normal form) is calling
for a medic... (and of course, Usopp replies, "That's you!" ^^;;)
WINNER - Usopp/Chopper.
