
Episode 91 (WJ #28, 1999)
Episode 92 (WJ #29, 1999)
Luffy dares Arlong to "Dart" again. He stretches his fingers out as a
"GumGum Shield". Arlong speeds up from underwater for another "Shark On
Darts"; but Luffy manages to use the force to spring back and latch onto
the wall of Arlong Park. Arlong continues his "Darts" attack; Luffy
elongates and criss-crosses his fingers to form a "GumGum Net" to trap
Arlong like (what else) a fish in a fishnet. Luffy finishes off with a
"GumGum Spear" double-kick into Arlong's chest area. Arlong's eyes turn
catty (for lack of better terminology) and starts to throw Ruffy around
like a beanbag. Arlong then proceeds to grab "Kiribachi", his huge
saw-toothed sword, from the other side of the wall. Luffy hops out of
each swing of this sword, but gets cornered at the top of the building.
Just as the sword strikes, Luffy manages to escape inside the building
amidst the wreckage - to Nami's cartography den. Arlong explains that
this den had every map she had drawn for the past 8 years, and that she
would be wasting her talent if she wasn't working for him. While Luffy
notices that Nami's pen was stained with her own blood, Arlong puts the
Kiribachi to Luffy's neck and tells our rubberband boy that drawing maps
for him was the ultimate form of happiness Nami could achieve - and
asks if Luffy was able to "use" her that efficiently. Luffy puts down
the pen, grabs a sawtooth of the Kiribachi, and snaps the metal as he
angrily asks, "USE?"
Episode 93 (WJ #30, 1999)
Going Down
Episode 94 (WJ #31, 1999)
The Second Person
Episode 95 (WJ #32, 1999)
Spin, Pinwheel
Episode 96 (WJ #33, 1999)
The Greatest Evil of the East
Episode 97 (WJ #34, 1999)
Kitetsu the Third
Nami goes shopping for clothes. Luffy stands in awe at the spot where Gold
Roger was executed. Meanwhile, Zoro looks for another sword, and enters a
sword shop. The shopkeeper tries to rip Zoro off, but is thwarted by the
young woman who looks like Zoro's lost love, Kuina. This young woman tells
him that his remaining sword is one of 21 "Masterpiece" swords. She also
finds Kitetsu the Third, a haunted "Craft" sword, in the bargain bin. The
shopkeeper says he can't sell Kitetsu because it has cursed all its users
to death, but Zoro receives the sword when he doesn't get a scratch - even
after tossing the sword and giving it a shot to land into his arm. The
shopkeeper is impressed, and gives Zoro another "Craft" sword, the Yubashiri.
Meanwhile, Captain Smoker of the Marines waits for the woman (named Tashigi)...
and Sanji notices a beautiful woman in the distance that looks awfully familiar
to readers who took note of the past splash page images....
Episode 98 (WJ #35, 1999)
Dark Clouds
Episode 99 (WJ #36, 1999)
Luffy Has Died
