untitled (Mushrooms Are Bad For You?) Props goes to Rumiko Takahashi/Ranma 1/2 for the mushroom idea. ONE PIECE names and characters by Eiichirou Oda. No infringement of copyright intended. ![]() "Mushrooms, mushrooms for my love..." Sanji hummed to himself as he stirred the contents of the frying pan around. He was, in the midst of preparing lunch for the crew. The ship had left a seaport [Sanji couldn't remember the name, though] a few days earlier and Sanji was in high spirits. They managed to stock up on supplies at the port and there were many food provisions. Sanji's mind danced at the many delicious dishes he could make for Nami-san. But, there was not the true reason for Sanji's excitement. He had bought mushrooms. Not just any ordinary mushroom. A special mushroom, or so claimed the old man who sold it to him. Sanji got it for quite a cheap sum too. The old man claimed the mushroom will make those who eat it feel younger, day by day. Sanji chuckled. "Sanji-kun, is lunch ready yet? I'm famished~~!" shouted Nami. "I'm about done. A special buffet made from my love for you, Nami-san~~!" Nami tittered. Zoro just scowled. A few minutes later, the crew gathered at the dinner table. "Waaaa, what a feast, Sanji-kun!" exclaimed Nami with delight. "They all look so scrumptious!" "Anything to make you squeal in delight, Nami-san." "Is there anything for Karuh?" asked Vivi. "Yes, I already have prepared a separate meal for Karuh. Vivi-san is always so kind to think of others." "Oi, enough flirting. Can we eat now?" demanded the green-haired swordsman. Sanji let out a curse under his breath. "The special dish of today is a dish of special mushrooms, lightly saute-ed to perfection." Usopp immediately spat out his drink. "Mushrooms? Are you mad? You know I hate the stuff!!" "Well, these are special mushrooms and.... You will eat every single one. GOT IT?" "NO, I WON"T!!" Usopp made a threatening look... that wasn't quite threatening at all. "Geez. If it bothers you that much Usopp, I'll eat your share," said Zoro languidly. Usopp said a word of silent thanks. Sanji just let out an exasperated sigh... and, he noticed someone was missing at the table. "Eh, where's Luffy?" "He's at the crow's nest today. He'll come down in a minute-- said something about looking out for an island to explore, " explained Nami. "Besides, if he did come down now, we wouldn't have the chance to fully enjoy your delicious cooking." Nami always knew how to butter Sanji up with her sweet words. It was working. "Oh, Nami-san. I do love you even more.." exclaimed Sanji in his playboy manner. Usopp gagged. Vivi spooned up some of the special mushroom dish. "Hm, Sanji-kun, the mushrooms are rather big, aren't they?" "Ah.. it's done by the way of Baratie. It's a special dish prepared for occasions. You shoul--" The pleasant atmosphere was interrupted by a sudden scream by Nami. "Nami-san??! What happened?!!" Nami just sat in her seat and pointed at the seat across her, where Zoro sat. But instead of Zoro, there sat a young boy who looked a lot like Zoro... wearing Zoro's clothes except they were much too big for him. "Zoro..?" The 'boy' gritted his teeth. "You.. HORNY BASTARD COOK! LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO ME?!!" "EEEEH??!!" ![]() end preview hm...now maybe that idea will not disturb me anymore... ![]() |