Authors, Past and Present

Who are the people who have worked on these pieces of fiction? Here is a list of the various authors, hopefully this will include links to their pages so they can explain themselves a bit more. We will also try to include references to which stories they worked on. As time progresses we will even try to give you a cross-section of the specific parts or characters they worked on this. This will unfortunately be waiting for the completion of the database backend to these pages.
Eric 'Scanner' Luce
Worked on
Edward 'Zed' Lopez
Worked on
Jim 'jimcat' Kasprzak
Worked on
Michael 'Spidey' Tabor
Worked on
Dave 'Tale' Lawrence
Worked on
John 'Pomru' Yung
Worked on
Mitch Gold (
Worked on

There are a lot of other authors on the Bar Trek stories. We will be attaching these credits as time goes on. Please refer to the actual stories for more of the details.

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