Chapter One, Page Six

Henry Enters the Game, Good Throw Jiro!

"What are those assholes doing?" shouted Henry's father. Henry turned from the passing scenery to face forward. He looked ahead at the traffic, which seemed to be slowing down.

Henry saw something white jumping along the road median, with a cloud of dirt following it. He rolled down the window and watched the spectacle as it neared. This was nothing ordinary: the white vehicle (?) approaching them resembled a giant cat. He also discerned that the dirt cloud was being thown up into the air by a green mass of a car in pusuit of the giant cat.

"Jesus H. Christ..." his father continued, in invective if not prayer, slowing the car so as not to meet the traffic slowing in before him, as the leftmost lane was trying to merge with the next lane right.

The sighting occurred in a matter of seconds. The cat was approaching Henry's family car along the median, and Henry could have sworn that he saw a girl sitting inside the cat... wearing an Ikibomot T-shirt. The green car was almost under the cat, and he thought he heard voices over the roar of a powerful engine.

"Throw it now!"

An unsure voice responded, "Uh, sure!" Henry saw an arm stick out of the green car's window. It belonged to a frazzled looking oriental boy. His mother let out a scream as the white cat-car again lowered its paws over its wheels and leaped over their car into the leftmost lane proper. Henry's father silently and furiously shot a look over his shoulder, about to switch lanes. Only Henry noticed the arm release a yellow ball -- well, not quite, the ball was sort of fuzzy, toward where the cat had been. As it landed neatly in Henry's lap through his open window, he noticed a cardboard sign labelled 'IKIBOMOT HIGH SCHOOL' sitting sideways on the seat between the oriental boy and the driver, who wore an insane grin. Henry slowly looked down at the thing -- like a rubber band ball whose rubber bands had been cut, but hadn't fallen apart, for reasons unknown. He looked over his shoulder to see the cat tearing back onto the median and leaping over again, with the green car in pursuit. He wondered what his parents had made of the situation, wondered what they'd think of his clues that these were Ikibomot students. His father was tangibly radiating fury, though, and his mother equally tangibly emitting disgust at this fact, so he thought better of it. He rolled up his window and continued to glance at the scenery.

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