052598-s41.jpg (7016 bytes) 41. Volleyball: Mike (CEO) and Leann (Info Services) take a break during gameplay
052598-s42.jpg (6174 bytes) 42. Idle shot of PSX's Gran Turismo 2-player game
052598-s43.jpg (6393 bytes) 43. Dudes take a break from volleyball to play Gran Turismo
052598-s44.jpg (4956 bytes) 44. Dudes take a break from volleyball to play Gran Turismo
052598-s45.jpg (6229 bytes) 45. Dickinson (VTech) guards the grill while Richard (Exhibit Hall) scopes the outer perimeter for incoming enemy
052598-s46.jpg (5683 bytes) 46. Grill shot of Stan (Exhibit Hall) and Peti
052598-s47.jpg (7367 bytes) 47. Dana (Guest Services) and Aaron (Info Services) waiting for the steaks.
052598-s48.jpg (7218 bytes) 48. Dickinson (VTech) tending to the steaks (one of them is mine!)
052598-s49.jpg (8093 bytes) 49. Stan (Exhibit Hall) serves up a rack up ribs for Leann (Info Services)
052598-s50.jpg (4839 bytes) 50. Shrimp before cooked
052598-s51.jpg (9296 bytes) 51. Shrimp after cooked
052598-s52.jpg (5834 bytes) 52. Steak!