052598-s31.jpg (7760 bytes) 31. Carolyn (ConOps) relaxes by reading a book
052598-s32.jpg (6772 bytes) 32. Mahjong: Nicole (Exhibit Hall) smooches for the camera while Mike (CEO) looks on
052598-s33.jpg (6675 bytes) 33. Mahjong: Harvey (Info Services) snuggling up with Leann (Info Services) while dudes set up their pieces
052598-s34.jpg (4379 bytes) 34. Leisure Director Hiroki (Guest Relations) attempts to lure in some more badminton players
052598-s35.jpg (5933 bytes) 35. Hiroki (Guest Relations) calling out for badminton players while Taka (Interpreter Staff) follows
052598-s36.jpg (8224 bytes) 36. Hiroki (Guest Relations) strains while taking a dump during volleyball game
052598-s37.jpg (6190 bytes) 37. Taka (Interpreter Staff) watches volleyball game
052598-s38.jpg (7016 bytes) 38. Kirstin (Guest Services) lunches with Taka (Interpreter Staff)
052598-s39.jpg (6335 bytes) 39. Lionel's (Archive) van turned into an Intel Inside entertainment van (actually, it's just his van with Peti's PSX and speaker system mounted in the back)
052598-s40.jpg (6984 bytes) 40. Shot from inside Lionel's (Archive) van of dudes playing PSX Gran Turismo