31. Carolyn
relaxes by reading a book
32. Mahjong: Nicole
(Exhibit Hall)
smooches for the camera while Mike
looks on
33. Mahjong: Harvey
(Info Services)
snuggling up with Leann
(Info Services)
while dudes set up their pieces
34. Leisure Director Hiroki
(Guest Relations)
attempts to lure in some more badminton players
35. Hiroki
(Guest Relations)
calling out for badminton players while Taka
(Interpreter Staff)
36. Hiroki
(Guest Relations)
strains while taking a dump during volleyball game
37. Taka
(Interpreter Staff)
watches volleyball game
38. Kirstin
(Guest Services)
lunches with Taka
(Interpreter Staff)
39. Lionel's
van turned into an Intel Inside entertainment van (actually, it's just his van with Peti's PSX and speaker system mounted in the back)
40. Shot from inside Lionel's
van of dudes playing PSX Gran Turismo