Well, yesterday was pretty cool. We visited a lot of touristy-type places -- a
silk embroidery factory, some famous gardens, wooden fan factory, etc. Every place had an
attached gift shop, of course. I didn't spend anything but some folks spent some major
money. $8000 for a silk embroidery wall piece? man... I guess if you can drop a few
thousand for a trip to China, chances are you have a real job and can afford to spend
some real money every now and then. I'm biding my time -- get me to the weapons shops so
I can make my purchases and then see how much I have left.
Last in the afternoon was Tiger Mountain. Very cool place. Took a bunch of photos -- sure hope they come out. It was the first very cool ``Gosh, I'm in China now!'' place we've gone to. Giant pagoda on the hill, leaning like the Pisa tower. And a lot of small canals, stairways, bridges, stone fields, bonsai arboreums, etc. all over the rest of the hill. I was getting really sick of the tourist thing but that made it all worthwhile. 300 year old bonsai trees!
Weird thing about the restaurants we've gone to -- they'll give you some water, tea, soda, etc, to start off with, but after two bottles they charge you for it. Except for beer. No charge for extra beer. A couple times we wanted more bottled water and had to pay for it, but if we wanted beer it was free. Beer is cheaper than water? Huh?