Hmm... I guess I'll start
with the boring stuff first... I was born on November 27th, 1973, a sign of the
Sagittarius in the Year of the Ox. I graduated with Academic Achievement stuffs from
Gunderson High School in San Jose, and furthered my academia of higher learning through
Electrical Engineering at University of California, Los
Angeles, and Computer Engineering at San Jose State
University. My past blue-collar occupations ranged from deli server to dishwasher and
from pizza cook to steam oven cook. My white-collar occupations of most recent past
included being a well-known 2-year graphics artist and illustrator at UCLA as well as an
evil computer software tester for the massive Oracle
Corporation in Redwood City. I am currently working at Intel
Corporation as a Software/Hardware Testing Engineer in San Jose and reside in
Milpitas, smack dab in the middle of Silicon Valley. My engineering experience and
interests are in digital logic design and hardware/software systems across all popular
operating systems platforms. On the sidelines, I volunteer a good load of my free time into
spearheading the popularity of Japanese anime through Anime
Expo, the world's largest and most popular Japanese animation and manga convention. My
tasks have varied from building top/down
systems for registration use to promotional photography to multimedia to anything else I
find challenging. Yeah, I pretty much know a little about everything without actually
knowing a lot about one thing. Everyday is a different day.
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I pay all the bills on time. I take the garbage out when it needs to be taken out. I mow the lawn when it needs mowing. I sleep regular hours when I am not studying network design. I help friends in need. I get along quite well with my coworkers. I keep aware of most popular current events in the world. I sometimes catch a few popular shows on television. I don't gamble, nor do I like to gamble. I don't drink alcohol, nor do I like to, as well. And to top it off, I have a pretty cool sense of humor, although it may run dry at times (hey, no one's perfect).
Hmm.. well, for 1999, here is my list of "favorite things" that everyone usually wants to know:
Spice Girls: Yeah, that four-girl British pop group that you either really-really love or really-really hate. As you can see, they used to be five girls, but spacial anomolies happen and we lost Ginger Spice in some black hole. If you are one of those that really-really hate the Spice Girls, well... oh well! They are currently a worldwide sensation owned and manufactured by Virgin Records and marketed by Pepsi, Virgin Records, and Victor Entertainment. Columbia Pictures recently released a worldwide movie of their own, too. In real life, they were all roommates with that single vision to become famous and never go into that drug scene, do their own thing, and all that neat stuff that good groups do. No, they are not just another wannabe Bananarama group. Bananarama had three girls.
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Max: An extremely popular Japanese four-girl pop group that, again, you either really-really love or hate. I have the Laserdisc featuring their J-pop Gig Concert Tour 1997, their first Video Clips, as well as all their albums MaxMaximum 1, 2, and 3. Still waiting for their second Video Clips. Max used to be with Namie Amuro as the Super Monkeys back in 1994-95 when they just started becoming immensely famous for their hip music and groovy dance moves. Yeah, even got their 1997-1999 calendars.
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Namie Amuro: Yup, yet another Japanese idol singer that keeps me awake at night. She's cute, she's hip and hot, and now she's married and got some kinda haircut and whiney kid. But I still listen to her hot-hot pop albums. For those who don't know how much of an impact she has in Japan, let's just say, she is the current female icon whom 75% of all Japanese girls want to be and currently look like. Too bad I probably will never visit Japan anytime soon.
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Computers: Yeah, but in this day and age, who cares about computers. Although, I am mostly concerned about good industrial design (I have taken a few courses in this stuff). Sure, we have PDAs, laptops, and workstations, but very few of the current models really attract my attention or even impress me. I'm not really into all that geeky computer talk, but I do try to keep abreast of upcoming trends and stuff. My experience ranges from working on puny TRS-80s to Sun workstations and AppleIIes to the latest Intel projects and some other high-performance chips.
Trucks: Yeah, I like trucks. Not monster trucks, but the kinds of trucks that actually do stuff besides rolling over cars and junk. I am not a sports car fan, so I really couldn't care less about puny souped-up Honda Civics or Acura Integras. Cars are just speed bumps to me. I will keep up to date about those stuffs, but only for design and general knowledge about auto parts. I currently own some kinda 98 Dodge Grand Caravan and am eyeing the Dodge Dakota Quad4Cab for the year 2000.
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Some hobbies I keep a vested interest in to fill up the gaps of spare time when I am not busy working or sleeping:
Paintball: Pretty fun stuff when you get your own equipment together and learn how your gun works. I just do it to have a good time with friends, so go don't bugging me about how to fix any bolts or anodize your barrels. I highly recommend buying your own stuff instead of using rentals; in my experience, the rentals are bound to fail on you and every rental is so different, it's inconvenient to figure out what's going wrong on the field when/if something fails. Other than that, paintball is great fun.
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Internet Relay Chat (aka: IRC): Yeah, it's some kinda text chat party channel thing for those who don't really know much about the Internet. I've been using IRC with the handle "Kyousuke" (as well as variations on this nickname: KyouBoogy, Kyou-ohki, KyouIntel, etc.) since early 1993. A good solid portion of all my friends have been made on IRC and I have met them all in real life through AnimeExpo or otherwise.
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Anime: What? What the heck is anime? Why do those girls have such big googly eyes? Damned if I know, but some of those fight scenes look pretty cool. I've been into the anime scene since 1986 and know quite a bit about everything that's out there. No, I don't know Japanese, so don't ask me to translate. I have a lot of personal favorites and stinkers, but I won't list them because there are just too many of either category.
Related links of current interest: Bugging Darold: Darold is one of my friends from UCLA back in 1991 whom I often pick on and vice versa. Bugging Darold then and bugging Darold now has differed somewhat. Back then, we were just goofing around because it was some college thing. Nowadays, it's an art in itself. I wonder if he still keeps those Beppin magazines locked up underneath his bed. Man, that punk won't share the wealth... He is usually seen wearing big baggy rapper pants over his beefy legs. As of recently, he has gotten into some kinda black goth look. Everything he wears is black. I wonder if that reflects his mood. hehehe
Photography: Digital, SLR, automatic focus-free, whatever. I do it all and still don't know the all fine details. I really don't care about the technical aspects of each and every camera so much as great layouts or subjects that play for the camera. I love great photography, not great cameras. You can have the most expensive camera in the world, but if you can't frame your subjects right, then why bother?
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Drawing: Hmm... This is a hobby that is very tough to describe, because I'm not sure if it's even a hobby to me sometimes and there are too many intricate specialities when it comes to the subject of "drawing." I often split this up into two areas: illustration and graphics design. Illustration focuses on the actual physical or digital application of pencil/pen on paper and outputing a fine example of a good piece of art. Graphics design focuses on layout of two or more piece of illustrations and typesetting and such; this area being more complicated than the former but often more fun. My experience and expertise in illustration (in my own honest
opinion) is always evolving and highly influenced from surrounding people and events and of course, is never perfect. I've won countless awards and earned quite a bit of money from art competitions in my time and have gotten tired of it, so I just stick to having fun with small character strips that poke fun at some of my friends from time to time. At times, I will give advice to aspiring artists on how to improve their styles and such. Who knows, maybe they will become the Next Great Thing. My experience in graphics design has landed me a great 2-year job at UCLA Communications and Graphics Dept. back in 1993 and have learned much from the real world of digital design and display as well as vinyl sign display and newspaper and magazine ads. With that behind me, I often use the valuable skills from those years to make great illustrations that are ready for perfect promotional use. However, I can't say my HTML skills are all that great, but I don't really care because it's not a tremendous priority. Do I draw as often as I did back in 1991? No, not really. Too busy working on computers or ogling cute girls.
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Some people have something
against my "ogling girls." Well, if you are some kinda girl objecting this, does
this mean you also object to girls ogling guys at the mall? If you are some guy objecting
this, you must be some gay Backstreet Boy. If you just plain object to this, well, you can
kiss my ass. Obviously, with all the frustrated girls in this world complaining about
their dumbass boyfriends being so concerned about sports and computers and cars and video
games, I see nothing wrong with going gah-gah over some hot and sexy girl as much as a
girl goes gah-gah over some hot and sexy guy. What, you still got a problem with that?