Fashion Collection

I generally don't venture into the trendsetting molds, although I may like to show off a little once in a while. Who doesn't? Anyway, here are some pictures of me and my lovely wardrobe included with a running commentary.

Laurie Five!

Spring Laurie! I like this shot a lot, which is why I put it first. I think the royal red shirt goes well with deep maroon jeans. Modeled by Three, the shirt is Gap and jeans are Lee.

Laurie Five!

Summer Laurie! I often wear loose shirts and leggings in the spring and summer. Modeled by Two, shirt is Urban Outfitters and leggings are LA Movers.

Laurie Five!

Autumn Laurie! In the fall, I like cooler colors like green and blue. Do you like the combination? Terri says this shot is one of her favorites. Modeled by Five, sweater is by Crazy Horse and jeans are by Levi Strauss.

Laurie Five!

Leisure Laurie! Again, loose shirts and regular-fit jeans for the active student. Great shot! Modeled by One, blouse is by Pizzazz! and jeans are Bugle Boy.

Laurie Five!

Hip Laurie! When I go out to the movies or a nice dinner with friends, I try to stay on the conservative side, although Yurika and Steve will bug me into window shopping for something more "hip." This is one of those "hip" combos. Nice, huh? Modeled by Four, hosiery by Danskin, skirt by Smash, bodysuit by Gap.

Laurie Five!

Flower Laurie! This is the same set of clothes I wore to my first student orientation at Ikibomot. Needless to say, they still fit! Modeled by Three, leggings by Rip Cosa, blouse by Sensations, and shoes by Acorn Products.

Laurie Five!

Teaser Laurie! When John "Pomru" Yung is bummed, sometimes I'll wander over to his place in this and taunt him. I think I overdo it sometimes, but I've never gotten a negative response yet! Modeled by One, bodysuit is by Smash.

Laurie Five!

Sexy Laurie! I only agreed to have this shot taken for Terri's sake! I didn't know she liked these kinds of things! Anyway, she bought me this slip on my birthday and said I should include it in my fashion collection. Modeled by Two, slip is by Victoria's Secret.

Laurie Five!

Casual Laurie! Casual wear is great for beach parties, window shopping, and the like. For the active person that I am, it's a good thing I have a big walk-in closet to store all my casual wear. Too much! Modeled by Five, jeans are Gap and shirt is J.Crew.

Laurie Five!

Arizona Laurie! My second best shot, I think. Steve said he adores my flat tummy... I thought about using a lighter shade of jeans, but at the last moment decided to stick with this combo. Nice? Modeled by One, jeans are by Arizona Jean Company and shirt by Retango.

Laurie Five!

Morning Laurie! One of most innocent-looking shots. I assume it may have something to do with color, because I previously wore a red shirt and it didn't seem to look right. Anyway, it's a decent shot for the hot summer day it was taken. Modeled by Four, shirt is by Tweeds.

Laurie Five!

Nightclub Laurie! One night, Yurika, Steve, and Kessel wanted to hit the nightclubs, so I got this cute ensemble to fit the mood of the evening. Not shown are the top/pants combo I thought was a cooler piece. Modeled by Three, skirt and top combo are by Sasson.

Laurie Five!

Sugar Laurie! I got this for one of the student talent concerts I appeared in. Too sugary for my tastes really, but I needed something totally outrageous for the affair. Modeled by Four, dress is by Zum Zum.

Laurie Five!

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