Since my personality varies a bit, my entities themselves also vary in terms of
artistic skills. Here is a picture out of some magazine I was told to draw in
art class one day.
And here are the results of that 15-minute drawing session.
Laurie One obviously has a strong grasp of reality and anatomical makeup.
Laurie Two rarely uses a pencil and exhibits my cartoonish nature.
Laurie Three loves pastel works and experiments here with color definition.
Laurie Four has admitted I cannot draw worth didly squat.
Laurie Five is the joker with this hideous green marker rendition.
Following that session, I was instructed to draw myself however I felt like.
Laurie One knows what I want and draws what I see.
Laurie Two practices my favorite artstyle which is anime style.
Laurie Three simplifies with two shades of pink color wash.
Laurie Four hates drawing by now.
Laurie Five draws the evil within me.